Tech Classes
No classes are scheduled at this time. Be sure to check this page for any future updates! |
Technology Classes
Beginning in March 2022, the Library will be offering Technology Classes completely FREE of charge to patrons ages 13 and up. To sign up for a class, please call us at (931) 684-7323 or stop by the front desk. SIGN-UP WILL BE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE CLASSES.

Handheld Devices Class
If you are new to using smartphones or tablets, this is the class for you! The 2-hour class will be separated into two separate classes:
- iPad/iPhone devices
- Android devices

Introduction to Photography & Photo Editing
This class is an introduction to learning photography and how to edit your photos like a professional! This single 90-120 minute class will be available at different times to help meet people’s schedules:

Beginner’s Computer Classes
Here are all the ins & outs of how to use a computer, including Microsoft Office and the Internet! Each of these 90-minute to 2-hour classes will cover a different topic.
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- PowerPoint
- Internet Searching
- Email Setup & Use